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The wobbly is an innovative input device for VR environment. We inspired by the wobble board for engaging lower body movement in the VR environment. Wobble board was digitally enhanced in recent years only for physical training purpose. 


During the gameplay, our interface requires the players to balance the body on a modified wobble board in a way the lower limb posture was captured and present. The player can exert the real-world tilting and get visual feedbacks in the game.


We present a skiing game using this approach to obtain thrilling and exciting effect in the VR environment. The set-up was done by affordable devices which comprise of an off-the- shelf wobble board, and a smartphone. We also explored several wobble board designs with different heights, fulcrum shapes, and supporting materials accommodating different balancing difficulties for different potential players’ groups.

Role in team:

Wobble board design

This is a submission of ACM TEI (Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions) 2017 and the Student Game Design Competition at ACM CHI (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) 2017.

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