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Fordham Place



An urban renewal studio located in the commercial area of Bronx, New York, starting from performing an autopsy of the entire street. By analyzing the 'vital signs' along the street in every sense, from local to regional, a comprehensive strategy zero in the affected part is thus without too much effort.


Animated Diagram of Intervention (footage 1)


Infotensity of Fordham (footage 2)
The first short clip exemplifies how overwhelming advertising can be for a pedestrian in Fordham Road. The street is covered in every possible corner with commercial ads, either as an extent of the local shopping displays, or mass media printed information along the sidewalks and billboards in the road.
Once the fast track live footage is all covered with the “masks” of some of the ads along the trip, the new information layer explodes and creates a “ribbon” of information that conforms a cylindrical display within a potentially rich public space organizing information into one single spot and making it clear for the user, rather than chaotic and confusing.

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