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[COMM]gregater is a visual analytic toolset to
analyze and identify the temporal communication patterns and dynamic network structure of a social network in the DinoFun Theme Park of the IEEE VAST 2015 Mini Challenge 2. It synergizes the effectiveness of both graphical and statistical analytics to reveal important communication patterns. 


The toolset comprises of two parts, either providing an overview from different facets for the same dataset.

The “Senders’ Spectrogram” shows the temporal patterns of messages sent from many individuals. “Groups’ Spectrogram” shows the temporal pattern of a group of people. From the views, we can clearly see
the communications patterns overtime.


The social network graph view visualizes the
communication traffic and connectivity patterns at different time scales. The user can choose to see the communication over three days, or a snapshot at a certain moment ranging from one second to hours and days.

This work is an integration of statistical analysis and visual analytics. Statistical methods provides us basic social network structures, clusters, and temporal patterns. The visualization methods presents the result
and provide in-depth interaction and analysis on top of the statistical result.


The live demo website can be accessed via:


Role in the team:

Co-designer and Co-developer

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